Category: Design
Design thinking in the academy
Among emergent “design thinking†spaces Stanford University’s Institute for Design, or, stands out as a notable example. Its research, development, and educational vision is to use design thinking to “drive multidisciplinary innovation,†believing that “great innovators and leaders need to be great design thinkers†(“Standford University Institute of Design,” 2007). It’s objective is to […]
Thinking about design thinking
As our concept of design expands beyond its traditional boundaries there has emerged an intriguing notion of design as way of thinking. Stanford’s Institute of Design is a notable example of one such emergent place, where design thinking is promoted as a means to “drive multidisciplinary innovation,†believing that “great innovators and leaders need to […]
A designer’s birth in emergent spaces
As a design professional, I have worked primarily in the emerging world of digital design and have sought to give aesthetic, semantic and functional order to a medium that was more imagined, than real. Unique to beginning my digital (web) design career in the mid 1990s was that it afforded me the opportunity to participate […]
In the beginning
This is a beginning. Not a beginning in the sense of creatio ex nihilo, but rather an emergence where the old still largely evidences itself in the new. It’s an ending that shifts into a beginning. In this way, it may be a transition of utility à la creatio ex materia; or perhaps, a more […]